Weekly OCDrama Digest 13th Jan – 19th Jan

Hi everybody! How was your week? Mine was pretty dry to say the least, as I practically got nothing you this week. It could be that my brain is a little fried from a nasty habit I’ve developed of sleeping way too late and waking up way too early. I’ve always been a night owl, but it’s been getting out of hand. Anyways, onwards:

1. I Need Romance 3 debuted this week and by all accounts everyone seems primed to fall in love with Sung Joon the show. It sure is purrrty, shot through with a certain dreamy glow that make winters look so exotically romantic. At least to me, a proud native of the tropics. And am I the only one drooling over the apartments on this show?  I covet with a vengeance. And of course, there’s Sung Joon and Kim So Yeon. Together. Really, just look at them:  Continue reading

Favourites of 2013

I’m sorry to inflict yet another best-of list on you but I figured it would be good for my swiss cheese memory to jot these down for posterity.

It’s been a year of many firsts: my first year of K-drama watching, of blogging, of tumblr-ing (is that a word?), and of meeting a lovely community of fellow drama obsessives (that means you!) which has been totally awesome.

I wish everyone lots of love, happiness and many more good dramas in 2014!


These worked for me in all the ways that matter–heart, story, substance and execution–and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend every one of them. In no particular order: Continue reading

Premier week smackdown: The Chaebol vs The Fugitive

It’s been a helluva week in dramaland. The dust has barely settled after the exit of I Hear Your Voice and already we’re moving on with such speed. Speaking of moving on, for those who haven’t been able to (and I know there are plenty of you out there), these translations of Su Ha’s diaries might help to soothe the pain ;P.

As for me, my dance card needs to be filled. There are only two viable contenders: Master’s Sun and Two Weeks. It’s a battle between the asshat chaebol and the douchey fugitive on the redemption trail. A completely arbitrary point scale determines who fills the spot.  Continue reading