The (Belated) Sunshine Award

First, I owe all these lovelies who nominated me for this award a huge apology for taking so long to respond. I went into hibernation for a lot longer than anticipated.

Second, to anyone still reading this blog, I’m sorry too for taking a leave of absence not fully planned or accounted for.

Life gets in the way, yunno? Or more accurately, feeling like I wasn’t in the right headspace to blog. Or rather, not feeling like anything I had to say was worth writing about. And then the side of me that’s full of self-loathing emerged with her devil horns and said to me, “No one reads this blog anyway. So go ahead, just keep on being lazy.” Silly me, I listened to her.

Also, my drama watching had slowed to a trickle and then came to a screeching halt, so that compounded the rut.

And then I became obsessed with Rurouni Kenshin (aka Samurai X)–the films, the manga, the anime, the EVERYTHING–which sort of took over my life. I even thought of turning this entire blog into a shrine to Kenshin. But that’s another story.

But I recently picked up watching a couple of shows again. So here I am.

TL; DR I’m sorry, I’m back, and here are my answers to your questions: Continue reading

Yoon Shi Yoon Enlists, & Other News: the OCDrama Digest 15th-28th April

Hi all, I took a week off  from writing these because I hadn’t had much time of late, and I was wondering if it was even worthwhile to continue doing them. But for now I’ve decided to go on if only because it keeps me on my toes. One slight change to the schedule though: I’ll post these on Mondays from now on instead.

Yoon Shi Yoon

1. Yoon Shi Yoon joined the Marines today, and the sound of crushed fangirl hearts echoed throughout the world. The lack of fanfare though, is class I gotta say. And at the back of all our minds we’re asking ourselves, who’s up next? Yoo Ah In, Jang Geun Seuk, Lee Seung Gi, and Choi Jin Hyuk are but a few of the boys rumoured to be enlisting this year.

Girls, we need to support each other during these difficult times. Let’s make ourselves available as marathon buddies okay. It’s a poor substitute, but what can do you? I’m up for a watch of Me Too Flower soon. Anyone care to join?  Continue reading

Ugly Alert: K-Actor Photoshoots Gone Wrong III–Fugly Hats Edition

It’s been awhile since I put one of these puppies together, and since I’m experiencing a bout of blogging inertia, the time is right for a photo-heavy, text-light and hopefully laugh-laden post 😀

I don’t keep up with fashion trends, but I do remember when there seemed to be a spate of K-actors wearing very large hats and thinking, good lord that’s big.

Jung Kyung Ho’s had bad luck with hats. It hasn’t turned for the better:

jungkyungho2 Continue reading

The OCDrama Digest 17th – 23rd Feb

Hello all, how was your week? I’m experiencing a bout of writer’s block as you may have noticed by the silence this week. I’m not alone it seems, as a couple of us on Facebook were saying how we might as well set up a support group of sorts :D.

Moving on…

1. Kim Woo Bin, Rain and the Running Man crew land in Australia to tape an episode set to air in March. Thanks to the stalkerazzi on tumblr, I know what we can look forward to seeing and I’m jumping for joy *smirk*: 

 KWBRunningMan KookRunningMan Continue reading

The Liebster Award–Part 2

Liebster Award Logo-1

[Shucks, there’ve been a couple more (thanks again Snow and Ahjusshi Fan!)so I’ve updated this page to keep the Liebsters together. Scroll down if you’re interested ;)]

Well lookie here! I’m really chuffed and grateful for Erl at A Mix of Anything and Everything for nominating me for the Liebster Award (why do I feel like I’m writing my Oscar acceptance speech?).

I know everybody says this but it is true that I’d never really thought anyone would read anything on my blog, let alone receive something like this.  So I am downright humbled and well pleased that this has come my way. So Erl, I shower you with rose petals, and same goes for anyone who has ever read and commented here on my little corner of the world. Everyone gets rose petals! Continue reading