Heirs: The Moody Gazing of Lee Min Ho

I’ve long ago abandoned any pretense about this blog being remotely classy. So be warned: an unabashed squee fest of Lee Min Ho and his soulful staring on Heirs follows.

I used to pride myself as being immune to the charms of heartthrobs such as Lee Min Ho. I was so above all the fangirling. I eye-rolled at the sight of a billboard to promote his concert in Kuala Lumpur earlier this year and shrugged when my other half asked what the big deal was. I’d never watched a drama of his in its entirety–I dropped Boys Over Flowers and City Hunter rather quickly–so I was ambivalent about his acting ability. Plus, his mainstream look was just not to my taste. You know, I’m a sophisticated woman. I don’t do teenybopper fantasies *sips champagne*.

Now I see the error of my ways. While Lee Min Ho isn’t about to topple Gong Yoo’s place at the top of my K-crush list, in Heirs he has the uncanny ability to turn my insides into goo whenever he does the look. You know, what I’m talking about right? It’s this:  HeirsEp2_05

After watching 6 episodes of Heirs, it occurred to me that writer Kim Eun Sook must have decided to construct the entire drama around the exchange of moody and meaningful glances and sought out the best young leading man who could melt hearts or drop panties with a single fixed stare. Enter, Lee Min Ho.

If the drama is going to hinge on one man’s arsenal of swoon, then he’d better be able to bring it. And Kim Tan, as Lee Min Ho plays him, is a sensitive soul who telegraphs his deep longing through his eyes. Like this: HeirsEp6_02This is the gaze of loving admiration, and you sense that he’s thinking how lovely she must look in the mornings when she wakes up and that he’d like to be there one day to see her when she does.

But not like, post-coitally. This is teenage love K-drama style after all.

Here’s a sexier version: HeirsEp3_18 Well, he is driving a blood red Maserati with the top down so it’s only right that he dials down the sweet in favour of the cool. The look needs to fit the style of the ride, isn’t it? He’s got a few tricks up his sleeve too, and wondering which one will work best on her.

Then there’s the wistful version. The gaze that registers the longing of someone who fears never being able to attain his object of desire, but dreams of it anyway because he’s an incurable romantic.  HeirsEp5_02HeirsEp5_01

Then there’s one of my favourites, the gaze of bemused fixation. He’s tickled pink, wondering who is this girl? Why does she constantly surprise me? Why can’t I stop looking at her?  Why does she have such perfect skin? HeirsEp3_08

However, Lee Min Ho’s piece de resistance is the Gaze of Sorrow, unleashed in Episode 5 at the Big Reveal. This is the gaze that’s brimming with tenderness and empathy. It hurts him to see her in pain, but it kills him that he can’t make this untenable situation any better for her. Of all the households in the world, she had to end up in his.


He says less than 10 words to her but it’s his eyes that do the real talking. As a performance, it’s beautifully restrained. It’s the gentle anguish of an open, defenseless heart on display here that I suspect sent hearts aflutter across the globe. Including mine.

His restraint makes the swelling bombast of the accompanying soundtrack all the more effective. I love this song because it’s so sweetly overwrought. It’s spot-on for this scene, and for the drama’s numerous moments of adolescent pining. It’s basically a classic 80s ballad, complete with that key-change punch-up near the end that’s so so awesome. This song is made for montage perfection, and it compels me to faux-sing along with abandon, clutching my chest with one hand, the other hand outstretched, mouthing ‘Love iiis the momeeent.

None of this would strike a chord if these moments weren’t genuinely moving. And for that, I thank the bottomless well of vulnerability that Lee Min Ho seems to be able to tap into at will. Now I see what the fuss is about.

85 thoughts on “Heirs: The Moody Gazing of Lee Min Ho

  1. HAHA. And why can’t there by such a thing as classy fangirling, pray tell? ;D Giggle. Yes, LMH does a whole lotta gazing in Heirs, and you captured the various gazes perfectly!! I thought he was great in City Hunter, so I’m not surprised that he’s able to give nuances to those gazes. Of course, I’m pre-wired to favor Woobie, despite the unsavory characterization of Young Do thus far. A fangirl’s got her priorities, y’know ^.~


    • Well, you are quite the classy fangirl I must say 😉

      You know, I was thinking of doing a post on Woobie alone when we start to see more of him. Because he’s killing it as Young Do. Every time LMH & Woobie share the frame you can see the stark difference in energies. I wonder if it’s a deliberate choice by LMH to play apathy like sleep-walking. Because the little I saw of CH, he wasn’t like this. It’s also the script too, which hasn’t really given LMH anything to do accept dream about Eun Sang.


      • Pshaw.. You sweet thang.. though I do love the feeling of being called a classy fangirl 😉 *preens and relishes the moment*

        Woobie’s definitely killing it as Young Do – perhaps a little too well, ha. Coz I’ve seen hate comments on Young Do and some people are confusing my lovely adorable Woobie with mildly psychotic Young Do. I concede they are both magnetic & hawt, so I can understand the confusion, heh.

        I do blame the script for LMH & the sleep-walking. He’s doing well with the gazes & all, but man, I am SO ready for STUFF to start happening. I feel like we’ve been in set-up for 6 whole episodes, and that’s way longer than necessary for such a short drama. Heck, long family dramas in excess of 50 eps are done with set-up by E8. Hurry, Heirs. Before WE start sleep-walking! ie, fall asleep and walk away from you. Oh alright. I won’t, for Woobie, but you know what I mean ^.~


      • I wonder how they both would perform if the roles where switched? KWB as the sweet love sick puppy and LMH as the bully. Would that change anything?

        I haven’t been bothered by the pace at all, I’ve drank too much LMH kool-aid (as betsy said) see. Ep 6 was the first time I started to get antsy, with the repeat set-ups and all. But I can’t walk away at this point though. There’s the promise of good stuff to come–could be the Kool-Aid talking.


      • Intriguing question! I am completely biased, of course, and I think Woobie would be able to kill it as a forlorn rejected lovesick puppy struggling to reconcile his very existence with the distant father, brother, and love interest who are all holding him at arm’s length. He’d bring nuanced gazes to the table too. LMH as Young Do.. He’d be fierce.. though I think he’d come off less psychotic and perhaps less arresting as a result? Haha, don’t mind me.. I’m clearly biased in Woobie’s favor. Go back to basking in your Kool-Aid 😉


      • The Kool-Aid is wearing off especially after this week’s epis. Sigh. BUT! I just remembered I forgot to congratulate you on your 100k views milestone! Awesomesauce! Not surprising, since you’ve made such a warm space for peeps to drop by 😉


    • I think it just wasn’t what I was expecting at the time and I found the slick visual style off putting. Or maybe that was just in the beginning when I wasn’t invested enuf in the story to put those things aside. So I’m guessing it gets better after 3 eps, coz I dropped it at 2! I didn’t give it much of a chance did I :P?


      • Oh Lord. See I figured. When I brought in my friend Morgan (because it got so intense I couldn’t watch it alone), I told her the first 2 episodes were terrible. Or however long it took him to get out of the Golden Triangle. My general rule is, you have to give a drama 4 episodes to get its bearings. If you hate it after ep. 4, give it the old heave ho.


      • Yes that’s my rule too. But circumstances at the time didn’t permit me to do so! I was watching it with someone else who had control over the telly and that person ran away screaming, and I didn’t really put up much of a fight. Ok, I’ll put it back on my ever growing list.


      • LOL! I’m not a LMH fan but the title of your post made me curious 😀 And despite not being in love with LMH I did enjoy City Hunter. It does get better. I think I considered myself hooked after ep 7. And btw, I had also dropped it at ep 2 and picked it up at the insistence of a friend and because I like the lead actress after watching her in S.Sandal (don’t make me write the full title please lol)


      • Yet another vote for CH! It seems to be unanimous! Ah Park Min Young in Sungkyungkwan Scandal (there, I typed it so you don’t have to) was such a cutie pie. But I don’t know how much I buy her as a presidential bodyguard haha.


      • Well, you will have to use your “suspension of disbelief” the series is fun but not too deep, complex or realistic. It’s just fun. And I do recall an interesting kiss (as you know, a decent kdrama kiss is a rarity) Hmmm was there a good kiss or did I imagine it? I will have to look this up 🙂


      • I hope you don’t mean the nightclub kiss that happens early on coz that was…not good. But I guess it could qualify as interesting ;P? But there’s gotta be a better kiss in there somewhere or else how did LMH get such a great rep as a good kisser?


      • Hmmm I don’t remember the nightclub kiss lol I think the one that sort of stuck in my mind as “decent” was much later, but now I need to find it because I’m doubting myself 😁


      • Found it! On youtube you may found it as “The rooftop kiss scene”. You might not want to watch it out of context because now that I rewatched it I realized that “technically” it is not a great kiss. We got her with eyes open at the beginning (hate that!) but eventually she closes them and we at least see some lips touching 😜 So yeah! my standards are pretty low when it comes to kdrama kissing. But in context, once you “love” or at least care for the couple it kinda works 😉


      • What would we do without mighty Youtube!

        Your standards for a good k-drama kiss is lips touching?!! You weren’t kidding about standards being low ;p. But it is SO true that it helps immensely if you like the pairing. I won’t watch the clips coz I now have plans to revisit CH, apparently. So I have hopes that I will like this couple, and this drama.


      • Yes sorry! the constant disappointment has made me get rid of all standards and I actually don’t even expect kisses, let alone “good” kisses. Now when they happen I only sort of pay attention and remember them if there is some sort of “visible contact of the lips” I know! lame!


      • Hahaha you’re hilarious! But I get you, of course, I do. My expectations are generally really low, so that when a good one comes along, I get pleasantly surprised. But that’s really really rare. As you well know. Sometimes the good ones really sneak up on you out of nowhere. Like A Wife’s Credentials (if you haven’t seen that, I highly recommend it), I was totally blown away coz first, it’s an ahjumma/ahjusshi kiss (like older people in dramaland kiss? REALLY?!) and second, it was so sudden that I was as surprised as the characters were when it happened. So it felt immersive in that sense, and third, it was passionate! It’s one of my fave kiss scenes because of these reasons.


  2. Isn’t the kook-aid delicious? 😉 My k-drama gateway drama was Boys Over Flowers and it was Lee Min-ho that kept me watching. (Well, that and the insanely, over the top, crack-a-licious plot.) The man packs a lot into one soulful look, doesn’t he?

    For some reason I have this idea that Kim Eun-sook wrote Heirs specifically for Lee Min-ho… Which I probably got from Dramabeans because that’s where I get all my drama news. And if it’s true — your theory is more accurate than you knew! 😀


    • Hah my kool-aid keg is emptying!! Need refill, STAT! Thank goodness, it’s Weds. I hope someone else tells me they too faux-sing to that song or else im’a need to check my meds. I remember LMH in BoF as the only thing worth paying any attention to coz he owned Go Jun Pyo and made it work.

      Yeah, I think Kim Eun Sook falls in love with all her leading men and writes out her fantasies about them. Hyun Bin, Jang Dong Gun, can’t say I blame her!


      • Aaaand, now I see I wrote it as kook-aid. *facepalm* Aw well — you got the gist! 😀 (Also, it almost, sort of, works?)

        I don’t blame Kim Eun-sook either! And since she doesn’t let her love stop her from putting her hero’s through the wringer, I’m perfectly okay with it. 😉


      • Kook might be more applicable at the moment, I must say :). Since it’s all about seeing this thru LMH-tinted glasses which is probably going to come to an end soon, so I might as well enjoy it!


      • Whyyyy show, whhyyyy? Sigh. I feel deflated, like a beach ball with all the air sucked out of me. He’d better whip out a STARE OF REPENTANCE AND REMORSE.


  3. I could definitely use a swoony post about Lee Min Ho! Anytime. I think it would be a good use of time between waiting for Heirs episodes to catch up with City Hunter. Although his style is also a bit questionable at times (hmm them famous pink trousers), it’s a lot better than in Heirs. I cringed at so many of his outfits in Heirs, and I actually like his pretty.


    • Oh I can’t tell you how glad I am that he has good hair in Heirs (somewhere in there is a pun made in heaven, but it escapes me at the moment). Many a pretty man has been ruined by bad hair by drama stylists! His outfits however… Notice how his wardrobe has been Seoul-ified? I’m guessing he wouldn’t have been caught dead in bright green pants and parrot jumpers in LA.


      • Gosh, I wouldn’t know what Seoul fashion is like, not for real anyway. (On a side note, would love to visit Seoul and do a proper Korean fangirl lol) There was this silver, shimmery jumper that he was wearing when Eun Sang saw him outside his house – ugh, and that horrible jacket he was wearing when he arrived at the airport. That’s in addition to what you just said.

        I actually watched City Hunter because I knew from the promo stills that he’d have good hair, and for the same reason, I didn’t watch Faith. Haha. So yeah, good short hair is a plus for me, I don’t know why some people miss his so-called mane-of-glory.


      • Neither do I, but I just hazard a guess that K-fashion is less shy about dressing men up in loud sweaters and colourful pants! Oh boy, that shiny jumper, that reminded me of Joo Won’s ridiculous sequined sweats in SeGa. Ooh maybe it was a nod to SeGa?? Oh, I thought LMH pulled off the Faith mane-of-glory pretty well. But yes the hair in CH was good, but not good enough to get me thru the first two episodes. But now I’ve been told it gets better, I’ll put it back on my watch-list 😉


  4. OMG……I LOVE this post….

    it made my day as I stumbled upon a blog where there was this post that suggested names of many actors who could have done so much better in place of LMH and he is the reason why Kim Tan is not appealing!! And I was like grrrrrrrrr….LOL 😀 (never going to visit that place again….haha)

    Anyway,in my initial days, I had heard about LMH being the most popular star and when I started BBF, his role was that of the bully (like young do) which I was happy to dislike, and by the time the show ended, I didn’t realise when I became his fan….he single handedly made that show so much fun 🙂
    After that I tried Personal Taste and wow, he looked so much handsome in it and quite low key….but I couldn’t get past 3 or 4 episodes as the show wasn’t interesting enough to me….

    I started City Hunter but put it on hold after 2 episodes and picked it up recently after one whole year (!!) and that was one of the best decisions….he is awesome in it….and the drama is great as well…

    Faith was a sageuk and no way I was going to watch it…

    And Heirs finally gave me what I wanted for LMH: a normal character who is completely romantic and head over heels in love….you perfectly summarised everything I feel for Kim Tan and LMH 🙂

    I read an interview where LMH mentioned that he took this role even when knowing that he is too old for a high schooler bcoz he wanted to do one boyish role before going into his 30s….isn’t that adorable….and now I never feel bothered about why he is playing a teenager!! also, he has successfully brought the innocence and vulnerability of a teenager through his expressions…

    P.S. I have never written such a long comment before 😛


    • Gosh! Snow! Is this you?!! This sudden outpouring of LMH lurve is rather surprising! HAHAHAHA I didn’t know you were such a big fan! You’re usually so short and sweet with your comments, now I know it just takes LMH to bring out your talkative side. 😉

      I’ve never been bothered about the age thing, I think mostly because I’ve never seen him in anything else. It’s not something I had to struggle with. I was quite happy to just go with it. I guess I should give City Hunter another go, right? I must say though, although I’m happy to watch LMH’s starring sweetly forever, I hope the drama does give him an opportunity to do more than just be wrapped with with Eun Sang. Although I must say, it’s quite refreshing for the male lead to be totally besotted with the gal for once.

      Glad you enjoyed my post! It warms me cockles to read you gush.


      • Hahahahaha 😀

        Actually I became his fan after BBF but then after not watching any of his shows for a long time, I sort of forgot how awesome he can be…

        And then Heirs happened and lo! I fell in love with him again…. 🙂

        I guess you are right…..LMH it is!! 😀

        But yes, Heirs should give him more things to do….and please try City Hunter again!!


      • Awww…..it’s just that I can’t bear the unjust cruelty shown against women (or anyone else for that matter)..

        After watching a few eps of Gu Family Book…I sort of got turned off towards sageuks….have seen only Sungkyunkwan Scandal…loved it!!


      • S.Scandal was a cute one 😊 Faith wasn’t one of the best imo but there are some very good sageuk out there. They are not all the same but yeah most of them are not “light” entertainment. It’s ok 🙂 I do notice that many people stay away from sageuk. It seems that people either love them or are scared by them 😋


      • There, there. Would it help if I told you there are many sageuk on my list–Conspiracy of the Court, Painter in the Wind, Tree With Deep Roots, Princess Man? ;P


  5. “Why does she have such perfect skin? “.. Haha, I loved your post.
    My personal favourites are the “the Gaze of Sorrow”, because apparently I am a mean person and I like seeing people feeling like that, the “wistful version”, because he looks so dreamy and I like dreamy and of course “the gaze of bemused fixation”, because well who doesn’t like seeing that quirky smile on his face?
    I really like Lee Min Ho’s acting so far and it does take skills to act not with words but with your expressions.
    And these slight changes with his eyes he succeeds in making, prove to be great.. 🙂


    • I LOVE the Gaze of Sorrow too! I’m a huge sucker for that melodramatic, suffering in love-sickness sort of thing that LMH can pull off in his sleep. I eat this stuff up with a BIG FAT SPOON. Yes, it’s all in his eyes baby! All in his eyes ;P


    • Haha, true! I find Kim Tan’s flirty banter very swoony too, even when it doesn’t work on Eun Sang. Or maybe especially when it doesn’t work on her, coz I just love it that Mr I’m So Handsome is totally dorky at times 🙂


      • Agree… He’s so cute at being clueless 18 years old. If he hadn’t play as a grown up before, we would totally believe that he is a high school student. And I like him a lot better here than BoF, at least here he wears a uniform like other students and more teenage-like playful around his girl (literally pulling her ponytail in giddy)


      • BoF, I dropped very early. The F4 never wore uniforms?? I don’t remember! Alot of people had trouble believing LMH as a high schooler, but since I’ve never watched a complete LMH drama it wasn’t hard for me. He’s obviously older, but whatever.


  6. Pingback: Heirs: Five Reasons to Keep Watching | obsessive compulsive (k)drama-watching disorder
  7. Love your post 🙂 , *sigh* was actually looking for a reason to get over my crush on LMH, but with this write up, i’m all giddy and helplessly in love again! Saw Bof and I got trapped. Now i’v seen all his dramas, even the less popular ones like: mackerel run, I am Sam etc but in Heirs I just went head over heels..which is so unlike me….the Kim Tan “gaze of bemused fixation” did it for me….and I cldnt help but download the song “love is a moment” 🙂


    • Oh boy, is “love is the moment” stalking you too?? HAHA! I’ve got that out of my system now that the show is over! Yes, Lee Min Ho has perfected the art of sexy staring isn’t it? Glad you liked the post Toby! 😉


  8. DDee this one’s my favorite among your post, well mostly because it’s about Lee Min-ho. He’s one of the reasons why
    i got hooked with Korean Dramas, you know BoF. I wish to have that pair of eyes, not that my eyes aren’t chinky enough already.


    • Well, thanks for reading and I’m glad you liked it :). Oh stop now, your eyes are beautiful, as are his, as are everyone’s in the world whatever size or shape 😀


      • That’s sweet. I like my eyes only I can’t see clearly with just it, I’m eyeglasses dependent. That’s the bad part.


      • What?! I started wearing glasses since I was 12 too, my classmates teased me like crazy and I put up with it because I’m literally blind without them. I’m not alone. LOL


      • OMO!! Serious? I had them Harry Potter glasses way before Harry wore them!! I am almost blind without mine too. I wonder what else we’ll discover about us along the way 😀


      • That’s what I had too. Whoa! Amazing. I’m thinking the same thing. By chance, is your birthday on September?


      • OMOMO! Mine’s in October. Which is good, cos it would just a leeetle tooo freaky if mine was in Sept too!! My sister’s and dad’s b’day is in Sept though, does that count? 🙂


      • Oh, same time zone as the Philippines. 4 hours difference. Just finished watching ep 12 of You From Another Star. Kim Soo Hyun always makes me cry. From the Moon that Embraces the Sun to Secretly, Greatly. What am I to do with this boy. I wanna adopt him!


      • Yes, we are in the same time zone as the Philippines. I love visiting Manila and I hope to go back someday. I dream of eating lechon again! Oh I’m glad you’re enjoying KSH in You From Another Star. It must still be going strong? I shelved it for when it’s done so I can marathon it later.


      • When was the last time you were in Manila? Mine is 2 years. I might go home this year, I plan to stop over Singapore or Malaysia before heading to the Philippines. Praying for my target sales to push for my getaway to come true. Yep, still strong. Jun Ji Hyun is as fun as ever. Which live show are you watching?


      • Oh it’s been about 4 years? Far too long. I’ve shelved most live-watches since they weren’t doing anything for me and settled on In A Good Way. That’s absolutely wonderful!!


      • That long? Well I hope to meet you, if ever you think of visiting Manila again. Am trying to limit my live watching too, it’s just that I’ve started to watch already so I can’t stop. Read so much about In a Good Way, Ms. Koala’s recap shows how much she adores the show. I might take a peek one of this days.


      • We can gather for a meal in Manila! I also love kare-kare, and I had awesome bulalo too which was a memorable meal indeed that one.

        In A Good Way is a keeper! Some may be put off by the pace, not me as I find it’s the characters and their relationships that I love. And everyone’s so normal it’s a relief!


      • That’s a good thought. Oh and I know a good place that prepares karekare and bulalo homemade style, I bet you it tastes as awesome as the one you had maybe more.

        Now I am intrigued, I’ll check it out later and I’ll let you know how I find it.


      • The bulalo I had I think was kind of at a touristy place which was already kick ass so the homemade style sounds like it would be even better! It was on the way to a volcano (I forget the name) outside of Manila. It had a wonderful view too. Good times, that trip 🙂


      • Taal Volcano, that’s in Tagaytay. I love Tagaytay! I went there before going to the UAE, at the People’s Park in the Sky, you know wanting to be at a high place to think (yes, I am dramatic like that) before leaving and staying away for probably 3 years or so. It was fun and I think I have an idea where you had your bulalo. 🙂 I’m glad you like visiting the Philippines, that’s so good to know.


      • Yes, that was it! Tagaytay! That was a great day, notwithstanding the smell of donkey poo ;). I think next time I want to travel outside Manila too, but in truth I’m happy to go where the good eating is. I’ll follow the lechon trail XD.


      • Tagaytay is very close to my heart. Well if you plan to visit again I suggest Laguna or Batangas. Laguna because of the hot and cold spring also the food. Batangas has one of the best lechon I’ve tasted. I plan to visit there if I do take my vacation this year. My close friend’s mom has been asking me to visit for ages now, I feel guilty already.


      • Ooooh *quickly takes notes* Batangas! I should just do a food tour of Philippines, maybe just do one region at a time. Good Filipino food is non-existent here (Pancake House does not count). Closest is in Singapore.*sadface*. I do hope you get to visit this year! I’m sure it’s well-earned 🙂


      • They do this parade of lechon every year, YUM! It’s hard to find good Filipino food here too, if I am craving for a Filipino dish, I prepare it myself, even if it could be expensive. I just think that I deserve some reward for good behavior. Lol. Yup, I do wish it happens. If so, it’s gonna be one awesome vacation.


      • LECHON PARADE? OMG. Is it really like a parade with floats and flags and lots and lots of lechon eating?? Oh boy that’s sounds like paradise. I’m going to google it right now.


      • yes, with floats and flags and lechons dressed as the theme of the floats. just prepare to get wet if you come. since we’ve been talking about lechon I now have this lechon kawali craving and I thank the heavens that It’s my weekend. I’ll bust my apron and work my kitchen skills. LOL


      • I just googled it. Oh man. OH MAN. June is it? That’s good to know. And only 2.5 hours from Manila. I must do this but most likely not this year. *sadface*. What’s lechon kawali?


      • Yup, June 24. It’s fun. I want to go this year too but I dunno yet, it all depends if things turn out okay. It’s deep fried pork belly served with soy sauce and lemon or any citrus fruit. Yum!


  9. Hahaha… Ok, just saw this post and SO wish I’d seen it earlier! I’ve been a LMH fan since, well, at least over a year. His role in Faith sucked me in, it was another one with some amazing looks, actions, hugs, you name it. Add the long hair (yeah, I’m a sucker for it), the costume, the action… I was lost from the get-go. At least you’re not fangirling like I am, he’s literally the wallpaper on my computer, my phone, and I’ve spent a bloody fortune sending him a gift in Korea. I know, I’m nuts at 44 to be doing this, but what can I say? I never obsessed as a teenager or anyone, so I guess I was due at least one in my lifetime and he was it 😛


    • Heeee! What is it about LMH that brings out the rabid fangirl from out of the woodworks? Before you there was Snow_white who I swear wrote the longest comment in her blogging life on this post. She usually writes one-liners, here she wrote an essay! I’ve only seen snippets of Faith and I must agree that he did have great mane of glory in that one, one of the best manes I’ve seen so far. Wow you sent him a gift? See now that’s the mark of a true fan. I’m just a poseur compared to the likes of you! It’s true, everyone’s allowed to obsess at least once, or twice, or whatever. At any age. I’ll probably still be lusting after Gong Yoo when I’m sixty!


Let's obsess!