Coffee Prince Episode Guide: Episode 1 and 2


For a drama I deeply love and the one I credit for making me fall down the rabbit hole of drama addiction, Coffee Prince could do with a little more love on this blog. I haven’t even written a review of it, mostly because I fear being unable to adequately describe in words my love and affection for this show. But since this is a new year and there’s no better time to try new things, I thought I’d rewatch this show and compile a guide of sorts, which as you will see, is really a collection of fangirl gushing musings.

I’ve also included a list of songs from each episode from both on and off the official soundtrack, since the music was flawless, and one of the many reasons why this drama is one of my favourites of all time. I’ve shamefully stolen from the amazing work of Dramabeans for this, filling in some gaps where I noticed them. 

Coffee Prince

(also known as The 1st Shop of Coffee Prince)

  • Genre: Romantic Comedy
  • Episodes: 17
  • Broadcast network: MBC
  • Broadcast period: July 2nd 2007-  27th August 2007

*The synopses are spoiler free, but the commentary isn’t!*

Episode 1– First Cup


Synopsis: We meet our heroine Go Eun Chan (Yoon Eun Hye), a working-class girl with multiple jobs struggling to keep her family afloat. Our hero Choi Han Kyul (Gong Yoo), a rich, aimless playboy, returns from a stint in the US to find himself under pressure from his patron–his formidable grandmother. His grandmother wants him to shape up and settle down, and promptly arranges a series of blind dates for him. Meanwhile, Han Kyul’s cousin Han Seong (Lee Sun Kyun) is trying his best to ignore his old flame Yoo Joo (Chae Jung Ahn) who wants him back. Eun Chan and Han Kyul end up in each other’s orbits when the former thwarts an attempted robbery of Yoo Joo. When Eun Chan’s bike gets damaged in the process, she gets fired from one of her part time jobs. Desperate for cash, she visits Han Kyul to ask for compensation, who thinks that she is a he, and that this is all part of a scheme to hit him up for money. Cue bickering, an accidental fall-on-top-half-naked-hero hijinks, and moderate stalking, all of which lead us to the main set-up: Han Kyul asking Eun Chan if she wants to be his lover.


This is my sixth time watching this drama and it still has the ability to make me grin ear to ear from start to finish. I’ve always been a little wary before starting a re-watch–will I still love it unabashedly? Will the warm fuzzies fade?–but I never need worry because this show never lets me down. This is what true (drama) love like is, people!

The opening 

It’s testimony to how well-made this show is that within minutes of its opening, you know all the main players, and the core dynamics of the central love square. You get character and hints of conflict–all within the first 10 minutes (trust me, I checked). It’s also zippy and fun and energetic, much like Eun Chan’s bright upbeat personality. It’s a marvellous economy and it’s stylish to boot. It isn’t glossy by current trendy drama standards, but it’s clear that this show is shot with an eye for detail and a love for natural settings. For instance, there’s a lovely moment with captures the rhythms of Eun Chan’s life, when she’s on a milk-delivery bike run through a pre-dawn suburban Seoul neighbourhood.


So much of this drama seems to be shot outdoors, giving it a sense of place, a geography, which makes this world feel lived-in and the story more immersive.

And I’m just about ready to move into Han Kyul’s bachelor pad.

Eun Chan

The show makes clear this is Eun Chan’s story–we meet her first, and all the people who matter in her life. We learn she works three jobs, and bears the responsibility of being the head of her household because her mother is a bit of a flake. So she does the conventional male duties of shouldering the financial burden, and also of putting boys who get fresh with her sister in their place. She deals with Min Yeop like a boss, not just by physically showing off her taekwondo moves but with her epic appetite, in what must be the most disgusting bout of eating I’ve ever seen in a drama:


We get the sense that she’s done this many times before (both the eating and the put-down) so it fits that her sister calls her ‘oppa’.  And I totally believe her when she tells Min Yeop she put someone in the hospital.

She’s also used to being mistaken for a boy. It doesn’t seem to bother her because this is who she really is–she’s not playing a role of being ‘male’.

She’s comfortable moving in and out of men’s spaces, for instance, when she marches into the men’s toilet to demand an apology from Han Kyul. Her androgyny gives her mobility and access to power that a conventional looking girl won’t have. So I get why she doesn’t correct Han Kyul when he asked if she’d gone to the military yet. It’s likely because doing so would’ve invited a patronising lecture about being a proper lady, something she’s probably heard a million times before. Eun Chan would’ve gained nothing from correcting his mistaken assumption. Being called a ‘girl’ or ‘gizibe‘ is also a touchy subject for her, as we see earlier when her douchey ex-boss complained that he only hired her because it was cheaper than hiring a guy.

And here’s another reason why I love her–she’s as susceptible to road rage as I am:

CP_Ep1_09 CP_Ep1_08

And let’s shower Yoon Eun Hye with rose petals for being so convincing and believable in this role. Eun Chan transcends character trope (i.e: a gender-bending Candy) to being a real flesh-and-blood person thanks to her. She’s absolutely without vanity here and it pays off handsomely.

Han Kyul 


Speaking of handsome, say hello to Choi Han Kyul. He loves himself to death–he practically licks himself in the mirror when we first see him. (And we must thank PD Lee Yoon Jung for making darn sure we get plenty of chances to admire Gong Yoo’s fine form too.)  It’s not a stretch to say that before he met Eun Chan, I doubt he’d ever came across another person he liked as much as himself. (It’s beyond doubt though, that she’s the first person he’s ever openly admired and looked up to.)

At first, I wasn’t inclined to like him all that much. He’s the prototypical crabby chaebol fuss-pot. What made all the difference for though me was how adorable he was with his grandmother. Plus he made this face, the first of many legendary Gong Yoo expressions of which will forever turn me to goo: CP_Ep1_06

His grandmother adores him equally, and their relationship is a treat to watch unfold.

He’s also apparently secure enough in his manhood to first, be photographed being affectionate with other men, and second, having the public (i.e. the eligible bachelorette circle) think he’s a gay man. Which goes a long way in making his eventual acceptance of himself as being able to love a man more believable.

In yet another way this drama messes with many a standard trope, here we see that the alpha male has a terribly low tolerance for alcohol, which comes in handy when you need a comedic set-up or two down the line (see next episode).

Additionally, Han Kyul plays the third wheel, which is not what you’d expect from the alpha. What I liked about this is that although he pines openly for Yoo Joo, his love and genuine affection for both Han Seong and her remains undimmed. It’s a complicated dynamic. When he tells Yoo Joo that she could rekindle her relationship with Han Seong, he does so because he knows they could be genuinely happy together.


The three of them have a long history, one that’s rooted in close friendship and familial bonds. But we sense that his primary connection to her was as an older, sophisticated woman he crushed on as a kid in the past and is not destined to be a part of his future. Romantically, at least. This much he pretty much blurts out when he calls her “noona” by accident (which by the way, inexplicably makes me melt).

None of this is said outright, but as we’ve seen with it’s efficient opener, the show is so good at establishing a lot with just the slightest touch, either through deft acting or clever edits.

Han Seong and Yoo Ju

When I first watched the show, I was so dazzled by Han Kyul and Eun Chan that I’d treated this pair with a lot disinterest. I understood that they were meant to be the adult foil to the youthful Han Kyul-Eun Chan pair. But boy was their angst such a downer, and they were no match for the exciting heat generating between the alpha couple. But now, I appreciate that we get to know Han Seong and Yoo Ju as individuals with separate connections to both Han Kyul and Eun Chan first, and then later on as a couple. She’s the free-spirit commitment-phobe, while he’s the one who got burned and is still nursing a broken heart. She’s obviously set-up as the girl you want to hate–the conventional feminine beauty in every way that Eun Chan isn’t.

Toilet humour 


“It’s flowing so smoothly just like rain”

Episode 1 really tells us that this show not going to be shy. Eun Chan’s first encounter with Han Kyul involves staring at his nethers while he’s half-naked on his couch. The second time she meets him, she again sees his crotch before she sees him! Pretty risque in my books for K-drama standards.

I’m also fascinated by the numerous references to poop–Eun Chan’s sister takes a crap with the door open; Eun Chan fixes a blocked toilet and has a conversation about bowel movements with the butcher. There’re a lot of bodily functions on display in this drama–from eating, to crapping, to peeing–everyone can’t wait to show or talk about their what goes in and out of their body. And they do it pretty elegantly at times too: “It’s flowing so smoothly just like rain,” describes Han Kyul.

I’m not sure what all this means, except that it might be useful to start counting the number of times poop or a bodily function is mentioned.

Episode 1 Song list:

1. Gazer Razor- Tearliner
2. Tango Italiano – Connie Francis
3. Goodbye -The Melody
4. Immaterial White – Free Tempo
5. Honey – Moby

Episode 2–Second Cup


Synopsis: Han Kyul employs Eun Chan to be his fake boyfriend in order to scare off all his dates, and after some protracted negotiation, she takes to the job with relish. He rewards her with a meal and bears witness to her huge appetite, heightened sense of smell and champion drinking skills. Being a lightweight, he passes out and she carries him back to her taekwondo dojo. In the morning, while cleaning up at her home, he learns of her multiple jobs and crammed schedule and feeling a sense of respect for her, decides to give her a loan. Meanwhile, Han Seong sleeps with Yoo Joo only to tell her it was a mistake the morning after. Han Kyul’s grandmother wakes Han Kyul up and takes him to the Coffee Prince cafe and introduces him to Manager Hong, his new boss. Across town, Eun Chan has just learned that her taekwondo boss has skipped town without paying her. Ottoke?


Go, Eun Chan go!

How much do I love that Eun Chan doesn’t stand for Han Kyul’s bullshit? She demands an apology for insulting her parents and stalks him until she get it. She might even be the first person in his life to ever really stand her ground with him, earning some grudging respect from him. We also see her resilience and how much of a ballast she is for her family. This girl will never give up.

We can also see how infectious Eun Chan’s bright personality is–she’s really shown Han Kyul a good time, completely bulldozing over his fuss-pot don’t-touch-my-perfect-car ways with her natural exuberance. It’s no wonder she starts appearing in his dreams. Speaking of which, just look at Yoon Eun Hye’s awesome face here. It’s so pitch perfect, I’m dying!

Coffee Prince Ep 2

Again, I sing Yoon Eun Hye’s praises because Eun Chan’s plucky tomboy could so easily have been insufferable and over-the-top. But she’s already a person I want to be besties with.

Hurrah for bromance!

Eun Chan also gets the first of her two Cinderella makeover moments in a fantastically fun sequence where Han Kyul dresses her up exactly like himself. Again, that’s how much he fancies himself. And the look of approval he gives her–I’d wager that this was the moment he started to find her sexually attractive 🙂 Coffee Prince Ep1

What I love about this makeover sequence is that we don’t get the sense that she’s changing anything overt about herself. She’s not posing or pretending to be anyone other than who she is and is completely comfortable in that suit.  We see this reversed in a later episode which makes that awkward transformation more painful and gut-wrenching to watch. But I’m getting ahead of myself….

What this is is the start of a truly beautiful bromance. How much fun do Han Kyul and her have to together? And how hysterical is their epic strut down the street where their collective handsomeness blows doors open and shocks ahjummas into losing their fruit?

Coffee Prince ep 1CP_Ep2_07

And it’s only possible because Eun Chan does not present herself as traditionally feminine. Take for instance, her insatiable appetite and horrendous table manners. As a girl Han Kyul would’ve probably swatted her away. The fact that she holds her liquor way better than him and even piggybacked him, one doubts Han Kyul would’ve found this appealing in a girl. The reverse is also true: Han Kyul isn’t her type of man at all.  

CP_Ep2_13“What kind of man is he? One cup and he’s knocked out.” 

The truth is Han Kyul cuts a lonely figure, so it’s no wonder he’s completely taken by her sunny ebullience and plain-spoken lack of pretense. More than anything Han Kyul needed a friend. In Eun Chan he was lucky to get both a friend, a soul mate really, and a lover.

Yoo Joo and Han Seong

Meanwhile over in angstville, we learn more about the dynamics in this relationship and boy, is it complicated. What irks Han Seong is that he’s far more needy than her. He notes with frustration that while he can barely cope at work, she’s seems perfectly able to compartmentalise. His effort to hurt her has backfired and come back to bite him.

She doesn’t deny it, and neither does she apologise for it. She does say she’s sorry but it’s for her decision to leave him and not for being the way she is. I like this about her, that she owns her decisions. Right now at this point, the drama isn’t interested in making her the cookie-cutter second lead we’d love to hate. It’s a shame because I do really want to hate her.

Ironically, what drove Han Seong to Yoo Joo was his conversation with Eun Sang earlier that night. I almost feel surprised that they don’t already know each other because they are seem comfortable and friendly, and have a frank conversation of the kind that you can only have with a stranger you have a connection with. They speak in code about Yoo Joo and Eun Chan’s pure-hearted straight-forward answer to his doubting whether he still loves her surprises him: “How could you not know?” she asks. “If you miss her and want to hear her voice that shows you still love her.”


It’s an intimate conversation, and it’s evocatively set during a warm summer night. Perhaps it’s the heat and the intimacy that gets to Han Seong too as he reaches to wipe ice cream off her chin, which stuns Eun Sang–it’s the start of her crush on him.

I’m still not entirely enamoured with Yoo Joo-Han Seong’s melo right smack in the middle of my very funny comedy no matter how surprisingly relatable and realistic their exchanges are. But I know it gets better later.


It’s only episode 2 and we get not just one but two kisses, the latter one between Han Seong and Yoo Joo being particularly passionate. They also have sex, and lots of physical intimacy seen in flashback. It’s an early sign this drama isn’t going to be chaste. One of the things I really love about this drama is that it depicts people who enjoy being intimate both physically and emotionally with each other. The drama is chockful of playful touching. We’ll also see later on, the ugly side of skinship for what it is, that a kiss can be brutal and cutting.


Also I forget that our OTP kissed very early, and it totally counts in my book. Kudos to Han Kyul for kissing a guy and thinking nothing of it!

Poop references

Eun Chan’s taekwondo kids are full of shit. So much so that Han Kyul can’t stomach it and throws up on himself: 

Eun Chan: Don’t you poop?

Han Kyul: Stop talking about poop.


Episode 2 Song list:

1. Go Go Chan! – Tearliner
2. White Love Story (instrumental) – As One
3. Goodbye-The Melody
4. Red Night – Blue Knights
5. Bada Yeohang – Tearliner (feat. Han Hee Jeong)
6. Fly Me to the Moon – Julie London
7. Flowerpot – Loveholic
8. November – Fanny Fink
9. Depapepe – It Was a Good Day
10. Children – Tearliner
11. Copacobana – Blue Knights


36 thoughts on “Coffee Prince Episode Guide: Episode 1 and 2

  1. This is such a great post. I especially your comment about all the outdoors shots giving the show a sense of realism, which I’d never considered but is completely true.

    I’m also episode 2 of what might just be my sixth rewatch. Sometimes I think one of the reasons I love Coffee Prince so much is I know it so well—there’s no need to worry about the plot or subtitles, so I can just appreciate the world and the way its people interact. But then I think about watching literally any other drama six times, and realize our love story is based on more than just familiarity 😉


    • This is one of my K-drama loves too! I’ve never wanted to review it because, like you, I wasn’t sure that I could do it justice. There is just something about how all the pieces came together to make a show that is both beautiful bu also feels like you’re just interacting with real people. I am very much looking forward to your next installments!


      • Uh huh. And so few dramas that I’ve seen manage to do that, to pay the attention to details, establishing a sense of place, to make it feel lived-in. I can only think of Flower Boy Next Door in the rom-com genre, and others like A Wife’s Credentials, End of the World.


      • So right Jaime. SO RIGHT. It’s a stylistic choice too I think, to make this feel as natural as possible. That’s why so many scenes take place outdoors, I think. It’s like a little pixie dust was sprinkled over the whole production too, beyond the trifecta of acting, directing and writing. MAGIC!!


      • Agreed, the outdoor scenes really help you to connect with the time and the scenery and season they are living in. I also love that the costume choices are simple and consistent with everyone. Even the expensive outfits aren’t outrageous, for the most part, and helps to make it feel like you’ve just stepped into real people’s lives. Also, yes there was a pixie dust included lol they need to share the secret of pixie dust with other shows so we can experience these same feels.


      • EXACTLY! COSTUMING! I just noticed that in true form, Han Seong’s jeans are tattered at the edges the way jeans get when they’re too long and drag on the floor? I tell you, the commitment to detail in this show is another level altogether. Or, it just might’ve been a budget issue, but I prefer to believe these are deliberate styling choices. I mean they’ve gotta be 😉


      • Budget issues sprinkled with pixie dust result in amazing-ness! Even if they had not paid such detailed attention to everything (which I’m with you, I hope they did!) they really did an excellent job with dressing everyone. Each character had their own sense of flavor and style. Omo really just everything about it was amazing!


    • Shucks Amanda, I know you’re a CP aficionado so I’m well pleased you like this! Serendipity! It’s seems that everyone is rewatching this very rewatchable drama! I can’t think of many dramas I’d watch more than once (no matter how many I’ve said that about) much less 6 times. And no I don’t think it’s about familiarity though, for one thing, and this might not be the case for you, I always find new things to like, or to notice about CP each time I watch it! 🙂


  2. :DDDDDDDDDDDDD It’s a Coffee Prince revival!! I am loving all the love this show is getting! I feel like there should be, like, a Coffee Prince page, with links to every post about the show ever. Wait, is that Google?

    Speaking of Cinderella make overs, I remember one of the things my sister loved about them in this show is how they played around with the trope–which I guess is what CP is all about. Like when she first dresses herself up all girly it’s a complete disaster, and when she gets it professionally done it’s another disaster, but not because she doesn’t look good but because even though she looks conventionally feminine, she still feels horrible because Han Gyul is all eyes for someone else. The Cinderella make overs are terrible for her.

    And I’ll join you in singing Yoon Eun Hye’s praises. I didn’t really get it when I first watched the show, but now that I’ve watched a few more kdramas I understand just how femme all the women are, and how much of a divergence Eun Chan really is in her dress and presentation.


    • Yes seriously, someone needs to make a CP repository! Or rather shrine ;P
      Exactly!! Which is why the aftermath of that makeover was so gut-wrenching to watch. She feels the absolute fool, more so because she chose to do this to herself for a boy. The first makeover was part of a job with zero attachments to her heart.
      At the end though, when she comes back frm Italy, I feel a little sorry that she was a femme-d up, as if to say growing up a little means discovering lipstick, or something.
      Yeah, it does take a little suspension of disbelief to buy YEH as a boy, not as Eun Chan. Does that make sense? ;P


  3. Awesome post Ddee, I don’t know how to describe my love for Coffee Prince, I watched it 4 times now but I still feel the same way about it, just beautiful, without any biasness. The songs are so awesome, am looking forward to your next post, it’s more on the genre that I like. 🙂


    • Oooh *HIGH FIVE*!! Is this your comfort-food drama too, i.e. when you’re feeling like a pick-me-up?

      I know, I’m totally not biased at all when I say it’s such a wonderful drama. Really, my love for Gong Yoo and Yoon Eun Hye here, has no effect on my objectively saying that this is such a brilliant story that’s pretty uniquely told.

      And the songs were totally awesome, and really unconventional. No other drama so far sounds as eclectic as this!


      • Yup, it is my comfort-food drama too. It’s so freshly written that it’s not tiresome, you’ll want to watch it over and over.
        Gong Yoo was really great in this drama and sooo good looking. ^^ Yoon Eun-hye did an awesome job too. I love their chemistry, it’s so natural that I can’t help but ship them in RL too. What do you think? Eun-hye caught a bouquet on her friend’s wedding and she just admitted that her ideal type is Gong Yong. What do you think? 😀
        I love that the soundtrack is more on the alternative side, I love alternative and goth music the most.


      • Hahaha I heard about one, her picking Gong Yoo as her ideal type. Well, to be honest, and call me crazy, I don’t RL ship them because I think for the most part their connection was only in the moment of the drama. But I’d love to see them in a drama together again! They both need a good drama comeback.

        Goth? Are you a Cure fan??


      • It’s all good with me and I agree, they should be on a drama together again.
        The Cure, of course! Don’t tell me, do you listen to those guys too, they are crazy awesome!


      • Well, let’s just say I’ve spent many a day in my room all by my lonesome with Robert Smith for company ;P. Let me guess–Disintegration?


      • Oh, how did you know? Well actually that and more. There’s Love Song, Just Like Heaven, Friday I’m In Love and Boys Don’t Cry. Ddee, I’m really wondering how much more do we have in common.


      • HOOHOO!! Yes all the classics and don’t forget Lullaby. You wouldn’t happen to also like Joy Division too would you? I’ll wait until tomorrow to read your answer and see how far we can continue this round this time :D. Must sleep now!


      • Yes, I like Joy Division too! Love, love, love will tear us apart again. Wow, who would have thought.
        Talk to you tomorrow then, I need to sleep now too. 🙂


      • Har, that album was on heavy rotation in my car, I had a cassette and late at night when I used to drive home, that would be the soundtrack. Gees, that was a long time ago! Cassettes, imagine that! How did you discover them?


      • I think I was seven when I discovered them buried somewhere on my dad’s cassette collection. He has this massive cassette collection that you can get lost into and this cassette tape was one of those that I hoarded and later on asked for permission. Geez, I suddenly missed my dad. LOL oh and yes, cassettes how it all started. I still have my Walkman at my old room in the Philippines.


      • Aww, from your dad?? That’s brilliant! Sounds like your dad had a really cool collection and had fabulous taste in music! So lucky! My dad is quite the opposite haha. I discovered music the hard way–through blood, sweat and tears. Before the days of the internet, one had to actually go places, hunt them down, and sniff stuff out! So came around to good stuff much later in life when I had friends who were music nerds and shared so much stuff with me. Memories!!


      • Yup, he has a great collections, from standard to rock, name it he has something on it. And he plays them according to his mood, I guess that’s why I developed a soundtrack according to my mood too. My dad is my music mentor, I learned it all from him, he let me listen to music to my hearts content and was not even disturbed during my Nirvana and Guns n Roses phase. He even listened to Eminem with me. LOL I can still remember how we used to sing together, one of our favorites is Temple of the Kings by Rainbow or Blackmore’s Rainbow. Those were awesome days. Thanks to my dad I know a lot of old songs and everyone thinks I am over fifty because I sing songs that was famous way before my birth.


      • Omygerrdd your dad is so cool. I can imagine Nirvana and GNR being somewhat listenable for him, but Eminem? Kudos to dad! Yunno, I’d love to hear more about this and your musical discovery! How bout a blog post *nudge nudge*??


      • Yup, my dad is really cool, we bond through music and when I reached the legal age we drink alcohol and do karaoke together. When I was going crazy about a local band in the Philippines, he would always put the radio station to the station that plays their songs and even turns up the volume even if it irritates the neighbors. I miss those days.
        Oh, my musical discovery? That’s a long post but I’ll work on it, let’s see if you listened to the bands I listened to.


  4. Great post Ddee! Coffee Prince is the greatest contemporary kdrama of all time for me. Indeed, it did perfectly in directing, writing, and acting. It’s my introduction to Yoon Eun Hye and she’s simply superb. This is her best performance ever; all other pales in comparison. Though this was not the first time I saw Gong Yoo, this is where I fell for him. Those alien and beach scenes-stellar performance! I always thought this drama is light and breezy, and having emphasized that its shot pretty much outdoors, I realize is one of the major reasons I found it so.


    • Thanks Kaiaraia :). You’re definitely right bout Yoon Eun Hye’s performance. It definitely made me root for her in every disappointing drama she’s been in since then! I so want her to be in a good drama that’s worthy of her. She always strikes me as someone who strives really hard and gives it her best shot, much like Eun Chan ;). This wasn’t the first time I saw Gong Yoo either! I first saw him in the first few eps of Big which didn’t do anything for me on so many levels. Then I stumbled on to CP and the rest is history. I then went bck to finish Big as any crazed fangirl would do….;P

      Ooh that beach scene, I’m bracing myself for it, it’s coming up. That scene reduces me to a wobbly mess each time!


  5. Firstly, i wanted to say thank you for the shared thoughts on Coffee Prince….and truly it’s a lovely, lovely post!..<3<3<3…i do really love this one… ;)…specially GY was part of this drama..

    I am soooo late here…anyways this blog isn't going anywhere!..the good thing!hahaha…<3…y'know of all dramas i have watched Coffee Prince is the most special…wae?…because i fell in love with Gong Ji Cheol…..though Hyun Bin was my first flower boy but it was Gong Yoo who totally swept me away amongst other k-hunks….when i first saw this lead actor portraying as Choi Han-Kyul….i said….hey this guy is so hawt!…i am totally smitten with this K-actor and from then i started following his works…thanks to the net…

    Honestly, i haven't finish the whole post yet, but definitely i will..hehehe…i just want to greet you as i promise over our conversation over FB….I think i need to read more to recall some details and scenes from this drama…. 😉


    • Evez!! So sweet of you to remember to pop by, and no you’re not late at all! Anytime is a good time to squee over Coffee Prince is what I say :). Well, this was where I fell in for Gong Yoo too, who is still at the top of my k-hunk list. Quite impossible not to, just look at the smitten faces he makes! From here, I went to watch all his other dramas, just like all of us in the squee squad I’m sure :). Hyun Bin I liked in Sam Soon, but not enough for me to go gaga over. Not like CP made me head over heels for GY!

      Well, I’m about to finish up the next instalment so you can do a two-in-one recall heh 😀


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