The Liebster Award–Part 3

awardWell, I’m back with another round of questions to answer for the Liebster Award. Shucks, I’m really chuffed yet again by the shout-outs, especially since these are from blogs I love and read all the time. So let’s do this!

Picture Perfect Paradise asks: 

1. If you could write the script for a drama, what would it be about?

I recently heard a story about a fortune teller who tells fortunes using a deck of cards. The cards need to be buried with the fortune teller and then dug up after a few days by someone she’d chosen to pass them on to. And I thought, now that would make a great character!

So, my drama would be something along the lines of a fortune teller who goes in search for someone to pass on her powers to when she finds out that she’s dying. After a string of rejects she stumbles on a young woman who is a con artist with whom she inexplicably has a connection. Throw in a hot client-turned-love interest and another sidekick they pick up along the way, as this rag tag bunch go on their merry way trying to prevent a murder that the fortune teller has foretold. It’ll have lots of womance–our leads learn from and heal each other–lots of comedy, thrills and spills, heart, and some sexy kisses. But it ends with the fortune teller’s death. I haven’t filled in all the details yet and I doubt I can since I’ve never been one to write fiction, so if anyone out there cares to fill in the blanks, be my guest!

2. What is your favorite genre of dramas and/or movies?

With dramas, I’m partial to a good rom-com. But anything with a good story that holds my attention, I’m there.

3. Has an OST song ever made you shed tears? If so, which song(s)?

You know the beach scene in Coffee Prince where Han Kyul is so desperate to be close to Eun Chan while she sleeps but hates himself for it? I’m not sure if I shed tears but I know I felt utterly destroyed and needed a good long while to recover. There were two songs used in this scene: ‘Last Arpeggios’ by Blue Dawn and ‘Across the Ocean’ by Azure Ray. Every time I hear these two songs I’m instantly transported back to that moment on the beach. *Bwaaaahh*

4. What one scene in any drama/movie have you ever wanted to happen to you?


Hmm I’d love for Choi Han Kyul to take me for a drive in his convertible mini cooper, and then we could go back to his bachelor pad to play with his Legos. And that isn’t a euphemism, I really do like Legos!

5. What motivates you to keep blogging?

I work at it. Motivating yourself takes work. It helps if you’re in love with a drama or have a brain fart to ease the pain. But most of the time it’s just a matter of chipping away at the block. Also comments! I love it when someone chimes in on a post, whether it’s just to say hi or to contribute an opinion, and I appreciate when someone takes the time and effort to do that. I enjoy having conversations with others about dramas, and if I’d put something out there and heard crickets I doubt I’d hold up for very long.

6. Do you have any other obsessions beside watching dramas?

Does trawling tumblr count as an obsession?

7. Does anyone you know in real life know about your life as a blogger?

Less than a handful do but none have actually read anything because they don’t know the K-drama blog secret handshake ;P.

8. What song do you have stuck in your head currently?



Usually when I work on the blog I switch on my K-pop playlist which includes alot of EXO, and alot of drama OSTs.

9. If you could replace the leading lady/guy in any existing drama, which drama would you pick and why?

Hmm tough question because I have yet to watch anything in which the actors were bad enough for me to want to switch them out. But off the top of my head, I’d replace Nam Gyu Ri from Heartless City even though she was tolerable. I just found it hard to buy her as an undercover cop capable of shanking someone in prison.

10. How has watching dramas changed your life?

I now have even less reason to emerge from my cave? And I started experimenting with cooking Korean food? Also I’ve rediscovered my love for a great narrative in the visual medium, which I’d neglected for many years due to being somewhat a rabid workaholic with zero creative outlets.

Rarapop asks:

1. What are three things you want to happen in 2014?

Secret Love AffairI’d want for my Korean to improve by leaps and bounds; I’d keel over with joy if Gong Yoo returned to dramaland; and for Secret Love Affair with Kim Hee Ae and Yoo Ah In to be subbed quickly so I can get my hands on it as soon as possible because I am so ready TO GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP.

2. Why do you like to blog?

To be honest, I don’t always like it because it’s work and I’m a lazy bum. But it gives me a creative outlet, and the rewards for the work are bountiful. I’ve forged so many connections with kindred spirits all around the world many of whom are probably the sweetest, kindest people I will ever know. You know, I don’t think I even talk to as many people in real life as I do through this blog!

3. What ending of a drama would you change and how so?

Well, I’ll take a cue from Sulovesdrama for this one. I’d make Jung Yu Mi’s character in Que Sera Sera knee Eric in the groin when they meet again instead of taking that dipshit back. She’d also take her ex-husband to the cleaners and become besties with that other chick and together, they’d build a fashion empire and take over the world.

4. What do you think is the most under-rated drama that you’ve watched?

A Wife's Credentials screencapGood question. I haven’t watched that many dramas, but I’d say The End of the World for it’s palpable sense of fear and dread and it’s nail-biting psychological thrills. But although few people watched this at the time in Korea and I have no clue about international audiences, it is highly-rated from those who have seen it at least among the English-speaking blogosphere. Ditto A Wife’s Credentials although it was a minor hit in Korea (for a cable show)–this show needs more love!

5. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there? 

I’d retrace the steps of all my ancient ancestors which means I’d go to China, England, Ireland, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Portugal and the Netherlands, probably more, and at each stop I’d eat to glory!

6. What is the most listened to song on your computer?

Probably ‘Growl’ by EXO and of the non K-pop variety, any song off the Beach House album called Teen Dream.

7. How often do you try and post on your blog?

Twice a week, with once a week on Sundays with my Digest, as the bare minimum.

8. If you could pick one concert to attend, what would it be and why?

Oh! Very tough question because I love so many bands. But, I’d love to see one of my all-time favourite bands Wilco in concert just once (go ahead and click the MV for some feel-good awesomeness!). And also Prince because Prince is god.

9. What got you interested in Asian entertainment?

I’m Asian born and raised! I absorbed it through my mother’s amniotic fluid! I grew up watching Hong Kong dramas and films, and later, Hindi films. It’s a shame I only discovered K-dramas later in life, but better late than never!

10. What is your favourite drama couple?

Coffee Prince ep 1I’m in the middle of creating a shrine to them on this blog through my Coffee Prince episode guides, so take a wild guess! Eun Chan and Han Kyul’s relationship will remain unparalleled to me. They made falling in love look and feel so wondrous and FUN and life-changing. If you’re a little freaked out by how much they sound like real people to me, well, it’s my delulu and I’m very happy in delululand ;D

The Fangirl Verdict asks:

1. For some people, kdrama literally saved their lives. What does kdrama mean to you?

Did K-drama save my life? Well, it saved a part of me that had been ignored for a long time. It reconnected my with my childhood, and a long-forgotten love for a good, soul-stirring story in which I could lose myself.

2. Which is your favourite comfort-food drama? Your go-to drama when everything feels bleargh and you just wanna feel better?

Gee I wonder what it could be–it’s all over this post, I can’t stop talking about it and I’m in the middle of my sixth rewatch! Coffee Prince is my rainy day drama. Although it’s not perfect, it never lets me down and I each time I watch it I discover new things I hadn’t noticed before which only makes me love it even more. It genuinely moves me still and makes me ridiculously happy every single time I watch it.

3. Who’s your favourite kdrama character and why?


Up yours Samshik!
(Pic frm

Hmm… Jin Sook in Heartless City has not faded from my mind since I watched this last year. She was indomitable, and loved unconditionally. She was a singular character–no better word for her comes to mind.

I love Kim Sam Soon too for being ballsy and for being the first K-drama heroine to make me laugh for days. Like when she withheld toilet paper from Samshik out of spite. HAHA it makes me laugh just thinking about it!

Idle Revelry asks: 

1. What came first, writing, or dramas?

I’d been writing for awhile in various capacities earlier in my adult life. So the writing came first, but I’d never wrote a word about dramas until I started this blog which was a few months after I’d started voraciously marathoning anything I could get my hands on. I’d been looking to start writing again, and it so happened that dramas came into my life at the right time for the two to take flight 🙂

2. Do you have a raison d’etre behind your blog, or are you just doing it for fun?

I started the blog on a lark, not having a clue as to what I was doing. I still don’t! But as I mentioned earlier, I like blogs that either inform or entertain and I try to do that with mine. I don’t want to be a waste of (internet) space so mostly, I try and keep it worthwhile for me to make. If others like it too, than so much the better.

3. Favourite blog post that you’ve written? That one of your fav blogs has posted?

I don’t have a fave because  I consider it a minor miracle that anything gets posted at all. I am having a lot of fun though with my Coffee Prince episode guides.

Since you posed the question, my favourite Idle Revelry post is Coffee Prince: Anatomy of a Scene because it was the first explicitly feminist response to Kdrama that I’d read, and one that was brilliantly written about a scene that traumatised me at the time. I wasn’t yet familiar with the many romanticised forced kisses in Kdramas, which makes how CP treated this one all the more special.  And I also love your epic reflection of Heartless City!

And yours, Outside Seoul and Kfangirl’s dream dramas posts are ermaggerrd SO AWESOME. I think we should all petition dramaland overlords to make some of these.

4. If you could have a kdrama remake of a show from any country, what would that show be? What kdrama, if any, would you like to see remade in another country?

SupernaturalOoh tough question. Well, speaking of Heartless City I’d like to see the Brits take a stab at this because I’d think they’d be able to go deeper and darker.

As for a Kdrama remake, I think a Supernatural  remake (first five seasons only) with two sisters instead of two bros would be really awesome! Imagine say, Shin Min Ah and Im Joo Eun as kickass demon hunters who save the world!! And with Kim Sun Ah as Castiel! ARGH. I WANT!

And I wonder how a Korean Arrow would work out since Arrow has many Kdrama elements–the lead’s a jerkface playboy chaebol; he has a screwed up family; his love interest is also screwed up; he’s got choco abs that’re on display in practically every episode; there’s a love triangle; there’s a fair bit of drinking; they spend some time on an island (just like Jeju!).

5. What are some of your favourite older dramas? 

How old is old? The oldest one I’ve seen is I’m Sorry, I Love You (2004) which I didn’t really care for. The second oldest would be My Name is Kim Sam Soon (2005) which is one of my favourites. And I started watching Feelings (1996) which I’ve put on the back burner, but I can tell you that it holds up pretty well and I should finish it soon. Thanks for the reminder!

6. Do you ever feel like you have the exact same thing to say about different dramas? What do you do to keep your writing fresh and engaging, if anything? 

Oh is that something you feel? Interesting. Well I haven’t been at this for too long to feel repetitive, but I do know I tend to gravitate towards certain kinds of dramas with similar elements and will most likely write about those. As for how I keep my writing fresh and engaging, I did mention that I have no clue what I’m doing here. I welcome feedback on how to make my writing and this blog better!! I know reading is one of the best ways to improve writing and I definitely want to commit to doing more of that this year.

And that’s it! Gosh, this may seem like an exercise to see how many times I could mention Coffee Prince at one go but I didn’t plan any of that I swear. It’s just that these responses are of-the-moment so y’all can guess what’s floating around in my mind now!

It’s been alot of fun answering these great questions and I’ve discovered many new blogs through this Liebster chain of love. I’m not going to follow the rules again, so I thought I’d go beyond dramas and highlight some sites that I visit for my fix of K-related reading:

  • Buletin Kpop: for Malaysia related K-ent news
  • The Sunnytown: translations of interviews from a wide variety of K-personalities, not just the Hallyu kings and queens.
  • koreaBang: translated news items of the latest internet hot topics.
  • BeyondHallyu: think-pieces surrounding K-ent

Thanks again everyone for reading, blogging, commenting, obsessing, squeeing, and whatever else you do to help build this wonderful community! *smooches*

12 thoughts on “The Liebster Award–Part 3

  1. Fun read!! 😀 Your fortune teller womance escapade drama sounds quirky, outlandishly ridiculous, yet full of growth, celebration and tears. Definitely a worthy watch, should it ever get made!! I do wish we could get all of our dream dramas made for realsies (thanks for the shout-out, you contributed to those dream dramas too!).. Could we possibly petition the networks? Or send in undercover scriptwriters of our own? 😛

    Thanks for answering my questions. Y’know, when I first watched MNIKSS, I didn’t fully realize how different and ballsy Sam Soon was compared to other kdrama heroines. I mean, I knew she was different, but the more drama I watch, the more I realize that a strong, feisty female lead is as rare in dramaland as a unicorn in a desert. A talking unicorn, at that! XD

    I’ve been curious about Feelings too, I’ve heard JB and GF mention it so often. I just watched All About Eve, which I really enjoyed, and which makes me wanna check out old dramas more. ^^


    • “Quirky, outlandishly ridiculous, yet full of growth, celebration and tears.”– wow, you got all of this from that? You are too kind! I only thought hmm must hv tears, and some funnies haha. That’s a story of real person who lives in Sabah. I’ve heard of another fortune teller at a temple and of a jinn breeder (but those are fairly common). Maybe there should be a drama about a whole family of fortune tellers, and how the black sheep of the family wants out of the family business!! Now that would be funny.

      I know, Sam Soon is so crazy special right! Kim Sun Ah really nails it too. And the humour reminds me of alot of those classic HK comedies in many ways. I literally peed my pants laughing so many times. The drunken noraebang scene!! I mean, there’re alot of drunken noraebang scenes in dramas, but seriously, none hv made me die laffing like the sight of Hyun Bin with tie around his head.

      Oh Feelings is fun and light-hearted (from what I’ve seen) and I can see why it caused a sensation. This year I definitely want to explore all the good old, or maybe the not so good, old classics!


  2. I’m loving the amount of Coffee Prince on this post ❤ And that scene where they're driving .. in any other show I'd be pissed off at the recklessness of letting a kid(supposed boy) stand up while driving.. but in Coffee Prince, it just makes me squeal with how cute he looks watching Eun Chan enjoying himself/herself. 😀

    P.S… technically we can ogle Exo all we want. They're all of them legal 😉


    • Haha yes I think the show can away with so much just coz…well, those two could murder puppies and I’ll probably lap it up. I’d watch them do anything.

      As for EXO yes technically, but…NO. NoOOOOOooooo


  3. I love what you said about how blogging takes work and sometimes having to force yourself to do it. Because it’s true! And, for some reason, I like hearing other people say it so I don’t feel like I’m lazy (or my muse is lazy, or something’s not clicking correctly, anyway).


    • Oh dear god is forcing it so true right now, for me!! It’s like squeezing a giant turd out my butt, to be very crass and graphic ;P. If you hv facebook, join us and commiserate! Me and kfangurl and nelly were lamenting our writer’s block just yesterday 🙂


      • Hahaha! Graphic indeed! And also hilarious — because true. 😉

        I don’t have Facebook. (Well — I did. But then all the friend requests from people I barely recalled from grade-school… and the privacy settings kept shifting and things were never as I left them so… I gave it up.) I pretty much live under a rock. It’s amazing I have a blog really. I’ve been contemplating twitter for… a lot of months. That might be my next baby-step. 😉


  4. Thanks for the shout out. I’m also lazy to blog but since I got my partners for the blog that in charge other things beside writing. Then, I’m just go with it. Since what I do mostly updating Kpop happening in our country. I tried to put more flair into it.

    That’s mean reading more blogs and try the best. Guess what, I modeled my content not according to usual kpop/kdrama blogs but by fashion blog. They’re my biggest inspiration. Although I’m far being fashionable person.


  5. Pingback: Liebster Finale | obsessive compulsive (k)drama-watching disorder

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